Goolugatup Heathcote nagolik Bibbulmen Nyungar ally-maga milgebar gardukung naga boordjar-il narnga allidja yugow yeye wer ali kaanya Whadjack Nyungar wer netingar quadja wer burdik  ∞  Goolugatup Heathcote nagolik Bibbulmen Nyungar ally-maga milgebar gardukung naga boordjar-il narnga allidja yugow yeye wer ali kaanya Whadjack Nyungar wer netingar quadja wer burdik  ∞  Goolugatup Heathcote nagolik Bibbulmen Nyungar ally-maga milgebar gardukung naga boordjar-il narnga allidja yugow yeye wer ali kaanya Whadjack Nyungar wer netingar quadja wer burdik ∞

Valentine Klaasen

Gallery Officer

Valentine holds a Diploma with high distinction in the study “Conservation of Paintings and Painted Objects” from Atelier du Temps Passe / ATP Formation (private institute) in Paris. Her final research focused on the preventive conservation of a 17th Century Flemish Painting on a recycled copper etching plate. Previous to that she has studied Arts and Arts Events Coordination at TAFE. Valentine is currently tri-lengual speaking English, Dutch and French, and is hoping to add more languages to the list! Her passions are hiking, painting and playing the piano (although she hasn’t worked up the courage to perform in public yet… one day!).

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Gallery Officer

Gallery Officer

Associate Curator Community & Engagement

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Associate Curator Music & Public Programs

Gallery Officer

Gallery Officer

Gallery Officer