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Current Exhibitions

Close-up detail of Ilona McGuire's artwork entitled 'Sorry' (2023), showing a sculpture of a human skull on a platform, with dry leaves and charred-looking, reed-like strands emerging from its eye and mouth cavities. Behind the skull and in the foreground, more dark, wavy, reed-like strands hang from above.

VOLIM 06: Voće

Tia Tokić & Lauren Jane Salt

10 August - 22 September 2024

Plentiful is the garden of Volim. Within this garden grows a tree full with fruit.

Strange as it may seem its fruits are never the same, yet they grow to share each branch as neighbours.

Each season they flower into fruit, then burst, dropping their seeded bellies into the soil below. This in turn brings new trees, each as unique as the last. And as they develop in conversation together side by side, it’s as if they display a sense of awareness of their journey thus far, and all that is to come.

Volim invites you to take a walk in the garden for their sixth exhibition – Voće.

Presented as part of IOTA 2024

Close-up detail of Ilona McGuire's artwork entitled 'Sorry' (2023), showing a sculpture of a human skull on a platform, with dry leaves and charred-looking, reed-like strands emerging from its eye and mouth cavities. Behind the skull and in the foreground, more dark, wavy, reed-like strands hang from above.

Confusion Matrix

Oliver Hull

15 June – 28 July 2024
According to the coastline paradox, the more accurately you measure something, the larger it gets. Computers can’t generate their own random numbers, for this they need something outside of themselves. No matter how much data we have, it only ever makes sense to predict the weather two weeks in advance. The human brain and weather prediction algorithms both use random noise to model the unpredictability of turbulent and complex systems – the world is noisy, some call this chaos! Maybe it's called living life, living with infinite resolution and possibility. 


Confusion Matrix is an exhibition composed of a computer controlled by the condensation of water inside an acrylic cube, and an assemblage of components from windchimes, precision automated manufacturing, mood rings, antennas, and the cooling systems of personal gaming computers. It is about the ways in which we process the world through representations and measurements, and the limits of where these technologies break down.


Oliver Hull is a Naarm-based West Australian artist working across digital media, video, installation and drawing. Hull is interested in the poetic and political properties of fiction and images and their relationship to time, history, technology, and nature. He has exhibited widely and frequently, most notably with Kunstintitut Melly, FAC, Success, and at ARI spaces internationally and nationally.

Upcoming Exhibitions

Apply for an Exhibition

Goolugatup Heathcote accepts exhibition applications from the public for most of its programs. Generally, applications are open mid-year and exhibitions are programmed a year or more in advance. More information is available through the below link.

Application info

Exhibition Programming

Goolugatup Heathcote Gallery presents an annual program of contemporary art exhibitions across three gallery spaces. It also produces three special commissioning programs: the site-responsive TILT, the Digital Art Program, and Melville Contemporary.

Past Exhibitions


Goolugatup Heathcote is located on the shores of the Derbal Yerrigan, in the suburb of Applecross, just south of the centre of Boorloo Perth, WA. It is 10 minute drive from the CBD, the closest train station is Canning Bridge, and the closest bus route the 148.

58 Duncraig Rd, Applecross, Boorloo (Perth), Western Australia

The Gallery is open 10-4 daily, and closed public holidays. The grounds are open 24/7.